Kason 1806 Vaporproof Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture
GU24 socket provides sustainable, energy efficient alternative to standard incandescent walk-in fixtures. Compact fluorescent lamp uses about 75% less energy than incandescent 100W bulb and lasts up to 10 times longer. Connects with standard electrical wiring. 26W fluorescent fulfills Energy Act requirement of 40 lumens per watt. Connects with standard electrical wiring. Available with clear polycarbonate or coated glass globe. Model No.1806‑10 retrofits to existing Kason No.1802LG, 1803LG and 1804LG junction boxes. Meets NSF and UL requirements.
$0.00 USD
Features Include:
26W lamp; 10,000 Hr. life, +60 lumens per watt, 2700K
Supply lead 140° F minimum. Instant start at ‑20° F
NSF component
Suitable for wet locations. Fully gasketed and enclosed to minimize effects of temperature extremes.