KASON Rolling Radial Latch With Strike, 3/4" to 1-5/8”
For lighter weight foam doors. Radial tongue combined with a roller strike for easiest closing and smoothest opening walk- in doors. Releases with minimum pressure or pull from outside or push from inside with Kason inside release handle. Mate with Kason door closer for effortless closure. Adjustable strike assures exact door alignment. Padlocking provision standard on all models
$0.00 USD
Features Include:
10 5/16" Latch
262 mm Latch
3/4 To 1 1/2"
19 To 38 mm
2 1/16" Latch
3 1/16" Latch
52 mm Latch
78 mm Latch
1 1/8" Strike
2 3/16" Strike
29 mm Strike
56 mm Strike
3.315 Lb